Category Archives: pubmed
Infant origins of childhood asthma associated with specific molds
A recent study establishes that exposure to mold during infancy to 3 mold species common to water-damaged buildings was associated with childhood asthma at age 7 years. Three mold species, Aspergillus ochraceus, Aspergillus unguis, and Penicillium variabile, were significantly associated … Continue reading
Cutaneous Curvularia infection
Moody MN, Tschen J, Mesko M. have published a paper on Cutaneous Curvularia infection of the forearm in Cutis. 2012 Feb;89(2):65-8. Phaeohyphomycosis is a broad clinicopathologic designation that refers to chronic cutaneous, subcutaneous, or mucosal infection caused by one of … Continue reading
Mold Attacks Joplin
A potentially deadly fungal infection zygomycosis or mucormycosis has turned up in more than nine individuals since the Joplin Missouri tornado. This is normally a rare fungal infection which a doctor may never see once in his career. Once contracted, … Continue reading
A Mold Misstatement used in Court
A Critique of the ACOEM Statement on Mold: Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest in the Creation of an “Evidence-based” Statement JAMES CRANER, MD, MPH, FACOEM, FACP Int J Occup Environ Health. 2008 Oct-Dec;14(4):283-98. That’s a .pdf worth reading. I’ll give you … Continue reading
Facing the Toxic Mold Challenge
According to a study by the Department of Microbiology of Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute at Sri Ramachandra University, there is an urgent need to “undertake study of indoor air, to generate baseline data and explore the link … Continue reading
Addressing environmental Health Implications
Addressing environmental health Implications of mold exposure after major flooding. Does all of this seem painfully obvious to anyone who lives in the real world? I suppose it is a good thing that at least some scientific expertise is being … Continue reading
Indoor allergens, environmental avoidance, and allergic respiratory disease.
Indoor allergen exposure to sources such as house-dust mites, pets, fungi, and insects plays a significant role in patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma. The identification of the major allergens has led to methods that can quantitate exposure, e.g., immunoassays … Continue reading