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A new mold sampling method collects air samples on aluminum foil, and then analyzes with a technique called Raman microspectroscopy (RMS). Raman spectroscopy is a way to view inelastic scattering of monochromatic light from a laser in the visible, near … Continue reading
There’s a legal case going on that you might be interested in if you have one of those newfangled high efficiency front-loading washers. The new type of steam-creating washers tends to accumulate mold and mildew in its innards, and creates … Continue reading
Should Mold Toxins in Food Should Be Included in Safety Regulations We say yes. Molds growing naturally on wheat, corn and other plants can create mycotoxins (i.e. mold-made toxins). In general, these are forbidden by regulation. THat is, if the … Continue reading
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