Finding a Mold Lawyer

If you go to court about your mold situation, you have some rights.

You might be able to recover costs of:

  • Inspecting your property
  • Repairing the structure
  • Replacing ruined household items
  • Housing expenses during repairs
  • Paying for current and future medical expenses, or emotional distress

Of course if you’re in the courtroom looking for a mold lawyer, you’ll discover they don’t necessarily call themselves mold lawyers. You’ll have to look for a personal injury lawyer or maybe even an environmental lawyer. (Environmental lawyers would cover the whole gamut of sick house issues including off-gassing, toxic fumes from construction supplies, lead paint, aesbestos, etc) If you’re hiring a lawyer to deal with your toxic mold issues, you want to look for someone who has had demonstrated success in dealing with toxic mold issues in the courtroom.

The action does not always occur in the courtroom. Frequently action occurs over the negotiating tables. So while you’re listing characteristics of your good mold lawyer, you need to find one who is a good negotiator, someone who may have a history of success with insurance companies. Seriously, a powerhouse of a negotiator in your corner can make the insurance company worry about the power your attorney brings to the table.

If you’re in California, you might want to give us a call and see about getting an assessment from Byebyemold.

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