In Louisville KY, don’t complain to your landlord about substandard conditions, because he just might kick you out.
In Louisville, Ky, don’t take on the responsibility of your own children plus your sister’s children, and try to make it on your own, in a rental house that you paid your rent for, because if there’s a sink leak, and the landlord doesn’t take care of it, the leak might start a mold farm in your floors and in your closets and on your walls and baseboards, and if mold starts growing, he just might kick you out.
In Louisville, Ky, don’t think you can help just because you’re with WHAS 11 News, and taking your cameras through that mold-infested house, thinking you’re going to be able to call the landlord to complain about the tenant being kicked out of her house, because when you call that landlord on camera in front of today’s live local audience and tomorrow’s internet world audience, you’re going to be the one embarrassed because that landlord is just going to hang up in your face.
In Louisville, Ky, don’t think you’re going to be able to keep your kids home from school just because you don’t have a way there and the tv people came to check out your moldy house, and your wheezing moldy children and your pending homelessness, because the school system is under obligation to take you to task for not getting those kids to school, and you know that the clock is ticking down toward you going to jail for neglect, and the kids ending up in foster care, just like you were when you were little.
In Louisville, KY, if you’re a landlord with a tenant named Jo-Manda with six dependent kids, you better hope she’s not getting her rent paid by the government, because even though the government isn’t quite sure how to handle the danger of mold, the government has rules about substandard maintenance of rental properties, and somebody somewhere in the system just might throw the lawbook at you while they’re also throwing it at your tenant, because your property owner rights do matter a little but not that much, and Jo-Manda’s tenants rights matter a little but not that much, but those six kids living in a moldy house in conditions which may or may not be negligence but which –no matter what the cause is called should be better–those kids, and their right to live in a decent manner, they matter.