Reportedly, the mold is blooming again at the Ironton SSA office, and nothing has been done to remediate it. Federal workers are complaining of eye, throat and respiratory irritations due to mold exposure, and 9 filed compensation claims and a group grievance.
Nothing was done to remediate, although an indoor air quality survey performed on Sept 15 2009 (and a follow up on August of 2010) said “mold was observed behind wallpaper at the bottom corners of most of the windows in the south portion of the office, a window in the break room, at wallpaper seams and a musty odor was present.”
A field representative for Senator Sherrod Brown toured the building last fall and “was just amazed at how much mold there was in the building.” The union is appealing to Rep. Bill Johnson and Senator Sherrod Brown, filing the grievance and filing an unfair labor practice with the Federal Labor Relations Authority.”

If you’re in California, you might want to give us a call and see about getting an assessment from Byebyemold.