Welcome to National Indoor Toxic Mold Awareness Month. It was begun by a group called National Indoor Mold Society. (We have no idea who they are, but we’re against mold 11 other months of the year, so we’ll accept September too.)
There are no Federal Government Standards for indoor air quality but the EPA publishes informational pamphlets about mold.
Just because standards aren’t published doesn’t mean mold is safe. It just means that no one has decided (or agreed on) safe mold levels.
There is unfortunately no way to eliminate all molds and mold spores in the indoor environment so the EPA recommends to control indoor mold growth by controlling moisture.
Indoor air quality can affect health.
Mycotoxin (toxins made by molds) exposure can lead to toxic injury that may include multiple illnesses, affecting the skin and the nervous, vascular, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, urinary, and immune systems.
A study of infants who had died from unexplained pulmonary hemorrhage (bleeding of the lungs) revealed that the infants resided in homes with high levels of Stachybotrys. In addition to infants, mold can affect the elderly, the ill or individuals with compromised immune systems.

If you’re in California, you might want to give us a call and see about getting an assessment from Byebyemold.